About Us

PT. Kuliner Ika Itahi Muna Ngahiji

PT. Kuliner Ika Itahi Muna Ngahiji

Providing high quality Indonesian products

PT Kuliner Ika Itahi Muna Ngahiji is a food and beverage company that focuses on providing high quality Indonesian products. Established in 2019, we are committed to preserving traditional recipes and flavors while incorporating modern culinary techniques.

By using the Mulkan Mimba'un trademark, all PT Kuliner Ika Itahi Muna Ngahiji products are produced with high quality standards, making it a delicious and healthy culinary choice for lovers of Indonesian food and drinks.


To become the biggest and best company in Indonesia and abroad.


  • Forming and training skilled workers in producing goods and services.
  • Developing high quality products and services at low costs and affordable prices.
  • Creating industries needed by the nation and state.


  • Honest and loyal
  • Smart, Skilled and Technological
  • Fast Work, High Quality and Satisfying Service
  • Working properly without Customer Complaints.
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